Want To Know How It Works…Behind the Scenes?
Three Tips to Help You Make a Wise Decision
I thought aromatherapy was nothing more than a great smelling candle that made my allergies act up, made the house smell good, and was nothing but watered down liquid of some sort. I was correct! That’s true for about 95% of the oils on the market. However, what I found out during my extensive research, various educational classes, and resources – is that there are some high quality oils that have helped many naturalist continue living a chemical free, healthy lifestyle. They choose to use various alternatives for headaches, infections, viruses, pains and aches, and much more.
Making wise choices when choosing an essential oil can be as simple as answering three questions.
- Why do I want an essential oil? Fragrance or Benefit
- Are you looking for a cheap fragrance, no health benefits and just want to make the house smell good?
- Are you looking for health benefits to give yourself the ability to manage occasional pain and stress, immune support, antioxidant support, skin health, digestive support, uplift your mood? You get the picture!

- How is the oil produced? Behind the scenes -How the oil is produced will determine the use of the oil.
- Oils distilled at rapidly, high temperatures in an attempt to squeeze out every drop (“cooking” the plant at high temps will kill a majority of the health benefits – but you already know cooking at high temps kills almost everything) will produce larger batches of more fragrant oils. Meaning a cheaper oil distilled for commercial use – a fragrance that does not have the health benefits.
- Oils distilled for health properties are distilled at slower temps (to retain the integrity of the oil), takes many hours to “cook”, and only about 70% of the oil is able to be distilled from that plant material. The other 30% of the oil left in the plant is not able to be distilled at such a low temp. Distillation in this way prevents compromising the health benefits. This gives you a premium quality oil - but that quality is not cheap!
- How much am I willing to pay? What quality and benefits do you want?
- Looking for cheap – most essentials oils on the market have been commercially processed, diluted, chemically processed, synthetics added – the list goes on. Fragrant oils are cheap and easy to find.
- Looking for high quality – only a few companies process their oils for health properties, but you will pay a premium for that quality. Value demands a higher price because of the sacrifice made. Are you willing to make a health investment in yourself?
Answer these questions honestly and you will make a wise, happy and satisfied choice you can live with!
Debbie Gordon, CA, CRTS
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